Clinical insights

Fig. 5: Bond milled teeth on milled denture bases. A: maxillary denture; B: mandibular denture

Is a Digital Workflow for Removable Prosthesis Practical or Not?

Why digital? As CAD/CAM is being more widely used in dentistry, how does it facilitate clinical practice? Digital workflows consist of data acquisition, computer-aided design, and computer-aided manufacturing. As these digital tools improve, they can mostly calculate errors in each procedure. Every step can be digitized, and the whole process

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Fig 12

Guidelines for ridge preservation: when and how

Introduction Ridge preservation is defined as any procedure undertaken at the time of or following an extraction that is designed to minimize external resorption of the ridge and optimize bone formation within the socket as a consequence of bone remodeling. As far as possible, immediate implant placement with immediate restoration

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Fig. 2

Four reasons to choose tissue-level implants for posterior sites

Tissue-level implants have a long history and are still relevant for today’s practice in implant dentistry. Although bone-level implants dominate the implant market nowadays, the significant advantages of tissue-level implants are still valid, especially when restoring the posterior non-esthetic region. While advocating caution in the use of tissue level implants,

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Fig 2: Post operative OPG for implant placed in the region of 24 utilizing transcrestal technique without graft material

Overview of sinus floor elevation procedure in implant dentistry – Part 2

Introduction Insufficient bone volume is a common problem faced during the rehabilitation of the edentulous posterior maxilla with implant-supported prostheses. The bone available for implant placement in the posterior maxillat may be limited by the pneumatization of the maxillary sinus following tooth loss, resulting in unfavorable alveolar ridge dimensions. In

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Fig. 2a: Implant (upper left two) presented with probing pocket depths of up to 11 mm

Peri-implant diseases

Introduction It is estimated that around 12-18 million implants are sold annually across the globe. The likelihood of a patient attending your dental practice with at least one dental implant in situ is high (Klinge et al. 2018). This reinforces the need for general dentists to acquire the knowledge and

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Fig. 8: The Straumann Mono Scanbody is attached in preparation for the digital intraoral scan

The benefits of tissue level implants restoratively

One of our biggest challenges in implant dentistry is managing patient expectations and providing long-term patient-centered solutions. Patients expect dental implants to look and function like teeth, but we know as implantologists that due to anatomical variance differences will always remain. A dental implant lacks a periodontal ligament and is

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