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It’s a wrap: the ITI World Symposium 202ONE – a huge success

Rebecca Reif
Patient Scenario

Sunday, September 5 saw the closing of this year’s highlight of the implant-dentistry calendar: the ITI World Symposium 202ONE. For the very first time, our flagship event took place online, live-streamed from the ITI studio in Basel. With an audience of close to 10,000 from 122 countries, this was arguably the biggest (and the best) implant dentistry event in 2021.  

Almost 40 speakers (all vaccinated and/or tested and certificated) made their way from all over the world to Basel, ready to go on stage, give their presentations, and then take part in live TV-style talk show discussion at all hours of the day and night.  

This novel format that put the patient at the heart of every session was challenging and spontaneous, and gained additional momentum thanks to the lively participation of the viewers at home with their questions. 

ITI World Symposium 202ONE – Looking back on Day 1

The highly interactive World Symposium online platform that had been specially developed for the event allowed for a best-in-class, immersive digital experience. A daily 4 – 5 hours of live lectures and discussions were streamed from the ITI studio, scheduled to provide prime-time early-evening viewing in a different geographical region every day. The combination of live lectures and an extensive pool of on-demand content ensured great viewing 24/7 that remains available on the platform until September 30, 2021. 

Having kicked-off with two days of free access to the event, the remaining three days offered a wealth of material in addition to the patient scenarios. The ITI orchestrated a compelling online event to rival traditional on-site alternatives with controversial live debate in “ITI Talk”, informal conversations between Event Host Annette Yashpon and her guests on the sofa in “Annette Asks” as well as games, live polls and contributions from the ITI’s industry partner Straumann. The networking component, which is so important to live events, was covered with the “CommunITI” feature that matched participants looking to meet and exchange with peers according to their interests. 

“Adapted to the circumstances dictated by the pandemic, our flagship event went live in an innovative format designed to connect us all and allow us to debate in spite of geographical divides”, said Charlotte Stilwell, ITI President. “The event provided an ideal opportunity to learn and compare notes on all-important patient-centered approaches and solutions, underlining the ITI’s leading role in advocating this important aspect of health care in implant dentistry.” 

Plans are already well under way for the next ITI World Symposium in May 2024 to take place live on-site in Singapore! 

Can’t wait until then? Discover our upcoming events


Rebecca Reif
Rebecca Reif
Rebecca Reif is Social Media & Communications Manager at ITI Headquarters

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