Here we present you a curated list of additional ITI learning materials related to each main session at the ITI World Symposium 2024. We hope you find this helpful to continue your learning journey with the ITI beyond the World Symposium!
Soft Tissue Management

ITI Academy
ITI Treatment Guide

Forum Implantologicum
Feature topic: Peri-implant Soft Tissue
Included articles:
- The Significance of Keratinized Peri-Implant Mucosa
- Xenografts vs. Autografts for Soft Tissue Augmentation around Dental Implants
- Recession Coverage at Dental Implants
- Surgical Improvement Techniques Before or During Implant Placement
- Prosthetically Driven Techniques to Compensate Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Deficiencies
GBR/Bone Augmentation

ITI Academy
Principles of Guided Bone Regeneration
ITI Treatment Guide

Forum Implantologicum
Feature topic: Selection of Bone Grafts and Biomaterials for Bone Augmentation Procedures
Included articles:
- An Overview of Biomaterials for Bone Augmentation Procedures
- Update on Grafting Procedures for Vertical Bone Augmentation
- Update on Horizontal Bone Augmentation Procedures
- An Update on Materials and Techniques Used for Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures
- The Cutting Edge of Bone Augmentation Procedures
Immediate Implants

ITI Academy
Immediate Restoration and Loading in Implant Therapy
ITI Treatment Guide
Immediate Implant Placement and Loading (Vol. 14)

Forum Implantologicum
Immediate Implant Placement: Indications, Surgical and Prosthetic Procedures and Outcomes
Decision Tree: Immediate Placement and Loading in Partially Edentulous Patients – Single Anterior Teeth

ITI Academy
ITI Treatment Guide
Prevention and Management of Peri-Implant Diseases (Vol. 13)

Forum Implantologicum
Feature topic: Implants in Patients with a History of Periodontitis
Included articles:
- The Value of Periodontally Compromised Teeth
- Non-surgical and Surgical Management of Peri-implant Diseases
- The Impact of Periodontal Therapy on the Success of Dental Implants
- The Significance of Early Diagnosis of Peri-implant Diseases and the Importance of Supportive Peri-implant Care
- Consequences of Implant Loss/Removal
Digital Workflows

ITI Academy
Digitally Assisted and Guided Implant Placement
Digitally Assisted Implant Prosthodontics
ITI Treatment Guide
Digital Workflows in Implant Dentistry

Forum Implantologicum
Feature topic: Digital Implant Dentistry: Is it Ready for Daily Practice?
Included articles:
- Pre-operative Analysis and Treatment Planning in Digital Implant Dentistry
- “Fabrication of Surgical Templates for Computer-assisted Implant Surgery (CAIS): What Factors Influence the Precision and Quality?
- Computer-Assisted Implant Surgery (CAIS) and Available Surgical Tools in Daily Practice: Clinical Experience
- Current State of CAD/CAM Technology for Implant-supported Prostheses