Sometimes life can have big positive surprises in store, and that’s exactly what has happened to me over the last two years. My name is Gabriela Sabatini and I came to Bern in 2022 as a Scholar of the International Team of Implantology (ITI).

Every year in June, the ITI opens its Scholarship application portal. We took this opportunity to ask one of our former Scholars, Gabriela Sabatini from Brazil, about her experience, her daily work and what she liked the most about it. She started his Scholarship year in 2022 at the ITI Scholarship Center at the Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology in Bern, Switzerland.

I completed my academic education in Brazil, where I finished my undergraduate studies (2018) and my Master of Sciences (2020). I also started my PhD in 2022. For the past two years, I have had the privilege of completing my Scholarships in the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology (RekGero) under the supervision of Professor Martin Schimmel. Today I would like to talk about my experiences so far on this journey, my scientific research and my next steps.
The opportunities as an ITI Scholar at the University of Bern were diverse and extremely enriching. It was an unforgettable international experience where I was able to broaden my perspective on dentistry and the world, make great friends and grow professionally. The aim of the ITI Scholarship is to offer dentists the opportunity to gain international experience in implant dentistry. During this year, I also learned more about the organization and the impact of the ITI on reconstructive dentistry. I was impressed by the structure of the School of Dental Medicineof the University Bern and the prosthetic clinic. Above all, however, I focused on conducting scientific research and experiencing clinical dentistry at the School of Dental Medicinein depth.
This experience has opened many doors to new opportunities for me. In 2023, following my ITI year, I became a scholar of the Buser Implant Foundation. In this new phase, I dedicated myself even more to dental research and worked with Prof. Martin Schimmel, Prof. Burak Yilmaz and the entire team of the Digital Dental Technologies Laboratory and RekGero. I started new projects or continued projects that had already been started. I also took the opportunity to assist with surgeries one day a week in Prof. Buser’s private practice and to actively participate in courses at the Buser and Sculean Academy. This has significantly broadened my perspective on implant dentistry, especially the use of high-quality materials and digital technologies.
During my time at RekGero, I was heavily involved in the development of scientific projects. These were carried out in a team with the Digital Dental Technologies Laboratory under the direction of Prof. Burak Yilmaz, but also developed in collaboration with other clinics at the School of Dental Medicine. We conducted intensive research in the field of 3D printing of zirconia, investigating its mechanical and optical properties, its clinical application in restorative dentistry and its adhesion to dentin and metals used in implant prosthetics. Reinforced resins for digital printing were also developed and their accuracy as well as mechanical and optical properties were analyzed. Another focus of our research was the use of more environmentally friendly cleaning fluids for the post-processing of workpieces. We investigated their use for both printed models and definitive prosthetic reconstructions. In parallel, we conducted studies on the color and translucency of materials produced with CAD/CAM technology in different thicknesses. We analyzed the influence of different curing procedures on the color and translucency of printed materials for definitive reconstructions. In addition, we explored the use of artificial intelligence in the design and fabrication of occlusal splints, the accuracy of static computer-assisted implant surgery (sCAIS) and ways to assess and improve masticatory performance in frail, elderly people.

With some of these projects I was able to complete my dissertation work, give poster presentations at international conferences and develop my PhD thesis at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) under the supervision of Prof. Burak Yilmaz and Prof. Newton Sesma.
Today I can see how these experiences have fostered my personal and professional growth. I am very happy that the fruits of my work in the team are published in international journals and that the knowledge acquired during this time can be translated into better treatments for our patients, which should always be the main goal of our profession. As part of this experience and through the professional opportunities, I was able to fulfill a dream and now get to live, learn and work in Switzerland. I was and still am impressed by the beauty of the nature, the culture and also the very good organization in Switzerland. However, I am particularly touched by the hospitality, openness and caring nature of the people in Switzerland. I made friends for life and felt welcome from the very first moment. I took the opportunity to explore the local cuisine and culture, visit incredible places and have a lot of fun in the process, such as on a team outing organized by our department.

Now, looking to the future, I am starting a new phase as an assistant dentist in the advanced training program at the Department for Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology. I am very excited about this great opportunity to further my professional development and to work in clinical practice, scientific research and teaching – pillars that I have always valued in my career.
I would like to thank the entire RekGero team – especially Prof. Martin Schimmel, Prof. Burak Yilmaz, Prof. em. Daniel Buser, Dr. Manrique Fonseca and Prof. Samir Abou-Ayash for opening many doors for me along the way and for really promoting international academic exchange. Above all, they have become wonderful friends for life.

Each year we enable young implant dentistry talent to spend a year abroad at a highly regarded university being mentored by an ITI Fellow at one of our 34 ITI Scholarship Centers around the globe. Are you keen on getting insight into every aspect of implant treatment? Would you like to dive into the complex world of case planning, implant surgery and prosthetic restorations in an international context? Our application portal is open from June 1 to June 30 every year. Don’t hesitate any longer and apply now!
More information available on our website.