“The ITI is in my heart”: An interview with Dr. Luca Cordaro, ITI Board member 2011 – 2020

Luca Cordaro
Luca Cordaro

In your various positions on ITI Committees and the Board of Directors, can you tell us how you see the development of the field of implant dentistry and the ITI over time?

The ITI has always been a guide to professionals in search of excellence. The academic credibility of the ITI was very strong in 2004 when I joined the Italian Section Leadership Team and has grown steadily since then. This achievement was mainly due to the Fellows who worked to disseminate the ITI philosophy worldwide and to the incredible work of the leadership that contributed to organizing the activities and implementing the ITI philosophy itself.

I started placing and restoring implants in 1988. During my career, implant dentistry has developed from a discipline confined to specialists to the current widespread use of implants in many indications. In these years the ITI has shown the way towards maintaining excellence in treatment protocols for the benefit of our patients. The ITI has had an important role in maintaining high standards in a moment of exponential growth in implant dentistry.

Were there any particular challenges in your work on the Board?

Being part of such a distinguished group of professionals is an honor but also a challenge. Sometimes my opinions were not in line with those of the majority and it was challenging not to follow suit. The ITI is the leading organization in the field not only in terms of scientific standing but also because of its introduction of innovative methods to disseminate knowledge. Innovation means change, and when you change path or do something new you always take a risk. Absolute unanimity is rare when taking such decisions.

After nine years on the Board, are there any aspects you were involved in that you were particularly proud of?

I was introduced as a member of the Study Club Task Force when I was part of the Education Committee. I then chaired the Study Club committee for 5 years until it was dissolved. We had the opportunity to design the entire Study Club set-up and it is still going strong. Study Clubs are a relevant part of ITI activities, and one of the moments that strengthen the sense of belonging to our association. They are still perceived by our members as the most important benefit that the ITI offers. The idea comes from Dani Buser and I am proud to have worked hard to launch and develop this endeavor.

What makes the ITI such an important organization for the field of implant dentistry?

It is a mixture of knowledge, people and organization. But to me, and this is a personal opinion, the most important part is the incredible potential of creating personal contacts with distinguished colleagues from all over the world.

What have been your personal highlights in your ITI career?

In Italy, I chaired four ITI national congresses with more than 1,000 participants each (Rome 2006, Milan 2009, Florence 2011 and Venice 2013). The Italian ITI Section developed well during my presence in the leadership team with Mario Roccuzzo, Matteo Chiapasco, and Sandro Siervo. I am happy to see that the colleagues currently running the Section are doing a great job and the Section is in good shape. The ITI in Italy is a great group of friends who are very much linked to one another. Most of the Fellows are involved in lecturing and teaching at an international level. This is the best possible result of our work.

At an international level I was one of the authors of the SAC book (with a great group of partners) and I wrote volume 7 of the Treatment Guide series with Hendrik Terheyden. I have been invited to lecture in many Sections and at three ITI World Symposia in a row.

All in all, the ITI is in my heart and I am grateful to the organization and to the great friends I have met.


luca cordaro
Luca Cordaro
Chair of the Department of Periodontology and Prosthodontics, Eastman Dental Hospital in Rome. Graduated in medicine and dentistry from the University of Rome. Chair of the Italian ITI Section and the Study Club Committee and member of the ITI Board of Directors. He was elected to the EAO Board in 2010, where he is Secretary General and Congress Committee chair.
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