Every year in June, the ITI opens its Scholarship application portal. We took this opportunity to ask one of our former Scholars, Ignacio Pedrinaci from Spain, about his experience, his daily work and what he liked most about it. He started his Scholarship year in September 2022 at the ITI Scholarship Center at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
What are the three most memorable things you will take away from your Scholarship year?
The results of the 12 months I spent at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine have translated directly into solid professional development as a researcher, lecturer, and clinician.
I contributed to 7 scientific publications, 1 book, and several dental blogs. I would like to highlight my first publication as a main author in one of the most recognized scientific journals in implant dentistry (COIR). I developed this article entirely during my Scholarship year and will always remember it with excitement.
I was also invited to present at 9 national (symposiums, ITI Study Clubs, ITI Education Week and university lectures) and 5 international dental meetings, serving as a fantastic starter for a future speaker career.
Last but not least, I developed my clinical skills thanks to collaborating with world leaders on different topics including: Dr. Gallucci for prostheses & implants, Dr. Giannobile for new trends and regenerative technologies, Dr.Tavelli for soft tissue management, Dr. Rousson for advanced surgical and reconstructive surgeries, Dr. Lanis and Dr. Hamilton for digital dentistry, and many other colleagues with whom I worked side by side.

Could you give us an idea of how your working week was structured?
Sure, but before I share my experience, I would like to say that the Scholarship is not totally structured in terms of schedules or obligations and is specific to each center. In my opinion, the beauty of this is that the Scholar can tailor his or her working experience according to personal preferences and interests. In my case, I was lucky enough to be at one of the few centers allowing patient care by the ITI Scholar, which is essential for my interests. I organized my week as follows: 3 days in the school treating patients, working in the digital lab and attending lectures or literature reviews, 1 day at the faculty practice in Cambridge, assisting, planning and discussing clinical cases with my mentor Dr. Gallucci, and 1 day dedicated to research.
Why did you choose this particular Scholarship Center?
There are two main reasons for having chosen Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
First, Dr. Gallucci and this school are well known for leading in digital dentistry, which is one of my main topics of interest. When I started my postgraduate studies in periodontology at the University Complutense in Madrid, I got involved in a 3D-printer research project thanks to Dr. Ignacio Sanz-Martín. Since then, I further developed my interest in digital workflows until I became responsible for the digital lab that we have in the department.
Secondly, during the summer breaks of my dental degree, I took some short-term fellowships in the United States – at the University of Michigan and the University of Iowa – and I really enjoyed the opportunity to improve my English while meeting people from all over the world and from many different cultures. Choosing a Scholarship Center on a different continent was definitely a good idea!
Did you get enough support to do your job well?
Yes, the ITI always covered my back and quickly answered any email I sent during this period. Regarding my Scholarship Director Dr. Gallucci, he was very approachable and present on a day-to-day basis. I used to spent 1 day a week with him working in the faculty practice (private office), and this gave me an excellent opportunity to learn from him directly and create a strong personal relationship.
Did you feel you were learning a lot?
Absolutely. We never stop learning. I was already European Federation of Periodontology board certified by the time I started my Scholarship. Even though my postgraduate program included advanced knowledge in the scientific literature on dental implants and numerous implant surgeries, it did not include prosthetic restoration. During my Scholarship year, I focused more on the restorative part of implants than on the surgical procedure itself, and this resulted in me becoming a “hybrid surgeon” with not only knowledge of the biological and surgical aspects of dental implants but also their prosthetic rehabilitation.

What were your plans for the time after your Scholarship when you returned home?
My scholarship was a total game changer in my life and professional career. So even though my plans were to return to Spain after finishing this year and focusing on private practice, I ended up doing the opposite. I had the privilege of being offered a salaried position at HSDM (full-time research associate with the Advance Graduate Program on Implant Dentistry) that allowed me to continue developing my research ideas, get experience as faculty covering the clinic with the implant residents and add teaching hours in my curriculum through lectures, seminars and literature reviews.

Would you recommend our Scholarship program to other young professionals?
Well, I believe that after answering the previous questions, I can’t hide my enthusiasm for the ITI family, especially for the Scholarship Program. There is no doubt that I not only generally recommend this program but also push every young professional in the field that I meet to apply for it. A good example is one of my best friends, Dr. Calatrava, whom I helped with his application. I am sure he will benefit significantly from this experience and hopefully explain why in this blog in 1 year!
Find out how an ITI Scholarship can boost your career
Each year we enable young implant dentistry talent to spend a year abroad at a highly regarded university being mentored by an ITI Fellow at one of our 34 ITI Scholarship Centers around the globe. Are you keen on gaining insight into every aspect of implant treatment? Would you like to dive into the complex world of case planning, implant surgery and prosthetic restorations in an international context? Our application portal is open from June 1 to June 30. Don’t hesitate, apply now!
More information available on our website.